I am a 18 year old wildlife artist and enthusiast who lives in Kent.
My work is inspired by the natural world where from an early age I felt a personal and connection with wildlife. It began when my grandad took me out to a local reserve to see the majestic acrobatics of Marsh Harriers flying over the reed beds. Instantly, I fell in love and I felt a compulsion to try to recreate their beauty in art. My passion only strengthened as I became more knowledgeable about the behaviour and life of animals and in particular the necessity to conserve them. I try to infuse my passion and my knowledge of the natural world into my work.
In May of 2015, age 12, I appeared on BBC Springwatch Extra at the RSPB Reserve Minsmere for a 30 minute interview with Lindsey Chapman on their extra show. We talked about my paintings and involvement with wildlife. Later on that day I was also invited to appear on the Unsprung show where I showed a few of my paintings. It was a great experience! Meeting such kind people like Lindsey, Chris Packham, and of course the rest of the team I think really inspired me to do art and more importantly conserve nature.
I have been fortunate enough to win the RSPB Wild Art competition three times in 2016, 2017 and 2019. Where I was able to exhibit my winning pictures in 'The Natural Eye' exhibition in the Mall Galleries London. It is an exhibition I highly recommend as it is a showed me what was possible to create with art. I have also exhibited my work in a few sites closer to home in Kent, including the annual Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Fair and the Sandwich Arts Week, where I have received many positive comments.
My love for the natural world has also translated into volunteering, charity work and protesting. I have used my art to raise money for various campaigns and in 2020 I started my own campaign to help save mammals. After seeing the shocking news that a quarter of our UK native mammals face extinction: I felt compelled to do something. By walking and cleaning 50 miles of the countryside, over August 2020, I raised over £1000 for the Mammal Society.